Hampstead Norreys Parish Council consists of seven Parish Councillors. They employ the Parish Clerk who also acts as the Responsible Finance Officer. Councillors are elected every four years, with the next election in May 2027. The role of a Parish Councillor is voluntary, and the members of the Parish Council give their time freely to help enhance their community.
The Parish Council meets bimonthly, in January, March, May, July, September and November, and usually meets on the last Thursday of the month at 7:30pm in the Memorial Room at the Village Hall, although please do check the dates on our Agendas and Minutes page. The Parish Council has a Planning Committee who can meet between the Parish Council meetings when a planning application is received from West Berkshire District Council. The agenda for all Parish Council meetings and Planning Committee meetings will be published on the website and displayed on the Parish Council noticeboard at least 3 clear days in advance of the meeting.
All Council and Committee meetings have an open forum where members of the public may raise any queries, or the Council can be contacted by emailing the Parish Clerk.
Your Council has a diversity of responsibilities including allotments, planning, financial support towards the graveyard maintenance and the routine maintenance of Dean meadow.
Guidelines have been issued for the application for grants from the Parish Council by Village Organisations.